A War on Arrogance
by David Obuchowski (e-mail: DObuchowski@liberator.net) [January 3rd, 2003]

I recently had an e-mail forwarded to me that said a group of Canadians, mostly grass-roots leftists, are trying to lead a weapon inspections team into the USA. As justification, they (surprise, suprise, ho-hum) use Bush's own criteria as to why we're having a spat with Iraq right now.

“I just want one thing from people, and I include myself: Perhaps we can look inside of our own arrogance. It's hideous, and it's hateful. But far scarier, it's infinitely vast.”

I have a larger point, but first I want to direct your attention to a quick flaw: The United States is not performing weapons inspections in Iraq. The United Nations are. If the United States had its way, it'd be at war already. So, if these people really want to make their heavy-handed, intelligence-insulting point, they should be flying fighter formations overhead. Not talking about weapons inspections.

But anyway, that's not even my major point. My bigger issue is something a bit more philosophical:

Sure, sure, America is all evil. Anyone within government has the worst intentions. Not only that, but when the USA actually does good things, the motives are totally skewed. Take, for instance, when the USA took Iraq to task for their invasion of Kuwait. I mean, the USA didn't really care about Kuwait, in fact, the US would have no doubt sat back and laughed like a Bond villian if it weren't for one thing: the oil! THE PRECIOUS OIL!

In fact, the USA's committment to oil is unmatched but for one thing. The extreme right and the extreme left's committment to its own outlandish beliefs. One side wants to make the country into one big church and brainwash the citizens with "family values" like no dancing, drinking, sex, swearing, or right to choose. The left wants to dissolve any semblance of order, (while simultaneously and ironically requiring the largest government programs the world has ever seen) long before humanity has progressed to the point of surviving under the principles of anarchy.

What is the difference? This one will kill for oil. This one will kill for the scriptures. This one will kill for hemp.

Conflict is the way of humans. We need it like we need oxygen. The only problem is that we have a little denial problem about it. The left thinks its fighting for their higher ideals and progression. Well, so does the right, and everything in between!

If it were ever possible (which it never would be) for every one to get what they wanted, we'd still create so many reasons to fight.

The only way we're ever going to get away from that is if we recognize it first. But, no, that can't happen, we're all too right, aren't we? And we're all too busy pointing fingers, like that's doing a hell of a lot of good.

I just want one thing from people, and I include myself: Perhaps we can look inside of our own arrogance. It's hideous, and it's hateful. But far scarier, it's infinitely vast. I think we'll find it resembles a certain country that's frequently referred to as the "superpower."

Well, why should we be surprised? The smart bomb doesn't fall far from the B-52.

Resources and Avenues for Further Study

  • Global Policy Forum: Iraq Crisis
  • CNN: U.S. 'skeptical' of Iraq weapons inspection offer
  • ABC News: UN checks more sites as Baghdad pleads innocence
  • Google News Search: Weapons Inspection

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